what to say to someone who has lost their job

How to aid a friend through a job loss.

A few years agone our family unit experienced the atrocious situation of my husband (the sole income earner in our family) losing his task.  It was a really difficult seven months as we struggled with someone that I know many become through.  Having no income, trying to task chase as door after door was shut in his face, all while trying to stay positive for the kids was hard!  Still, like most trials in life, we learned many lessons that volition stay with united states forever.  We learned to be resilient, patient, and how to pinch every penny.  We also learned how to be more than sensitive to others going through similar situations.  I am now much kinder, loving and more than understanding to all those who lose a job.  I thought I would share a few tips with y'all today most what to say to someone who loses their job, and then you lot can assist a loved one through this hard time.

what not to say to a friend who just lost their job

What Non To Say To Someone Who Lost Their Job

Kickoff, let's outset with what NOT to say to someone who lost their chore.  Each of these phrases were said to either me or my hubby when he was unemployed.  I know that they were all said with the very all-time of intentions, and I never held it against anyone, merely they hurt and I have learned to not say them to anyone.  So, I urge you to never say these things to someone who lost their task.

1.  "How are you affording to live?"

Get-go off, personal finance is personal.  We all know we shouldn't inquire people nigh their coin and income situation…being unemployed is no different.

I always felt then uncomfortable when we got this question.  Nosotros were by and large living off of our emergency fund, unemployment benefits, and my husbands side jobs he would bring in.  This wasn't something I really wanted to explain to others.  It was personal and stressful.

two.  "What Happened????"

I think the question, "What Happened?" is really common when someone loses their chore.  It's meant more as beingness interested in their life, only it'south normally not an experience others desire to talk about.

Whatever happened was virtually probable a terrible experience and nobody wants to relieve bad experiences, then do them a favor and don't ask for details.  If your friend wants to tell y'all the whole story, they will.  Otherwise, it's just best non to pry.

iii.  "You're lucky.  I wish I could sit at home all day."

Never treat your unemployed friend like they are in a desired position.  Nobody wants to be without a paycheck, so don't fifty-fifty joke about it.  It'southward not funny when it is actually the life you are living.

My hubby once told me that the worst part of being unemployed was that he didn't "feel like a man."  It crushed him.  He personally feels that as a man it is his responsibleness to provide for our family, we depended on him and his paycheck.  It absolutely crushed him when it was gone.  Please don't always make light of someones personal nightmare.

Plus!  Almost unemployed people do NOT sit effectually all solar day.  My husband spent all day every 24-hour interval looking for jobs, calling potential employers, interviewing, writing his resume, and doing side jobs to bring in some extra income.  He kept decorated from the early morn hours to way after the sunday had gone down.

  • Related:  What To Do If You Lose Your Job

iv.  Zilch

I know information technology's hard to know what to say when someone is going through a situation you haven't been in.  Merely please Delight don't just ignore the elephant in the room.  Say SOMETHING!  Saying something is MUCH meliorate than not saying annihilation.

It actually hurt when good friends treated me as if life was normal.  Information technology felt similar they didn't care.  I just wanted the state of affairs best-selling in some style.

5.  "Everything Happens For a Reason"

Honestly, looking dorsum on the past 7 years of going through unemployment and then seeing where we are now….I am SO glad he lost that job.  The job he has now is much improve in nigh every manner.  Plus, we grew and learned and are better people now than we were and so.  We take more gratitude, more contentment and more appreciation for our life.

With that existence said, I would however NEVER tell anyone that they lost their task for a reason.  That's simply not what they want to hear at the time.

Information technology almost feels every bit if your feel is being demeaned, like yous shouldn't feel sad about it because in that location'south a reason for it.  Let your friend figure out these lessons for themselves and allow them to feel whatever they demand to experience!

half-dozen.  "It could always be worse!  Did you hear about Bob down the street who lost his job, wife and firm in one month?!?!  At least that didn't happen to y'all."

Nosotros all know that life could e'er become worse.  That does not hateful we should tell each other that fact.  Saying this phrase to someone is an easy way to brand them feel similar their hardships do not matter.

7.  "What can I practice to help you lot?"

I know that this phrase comes from a good, loving place.  But, if your unemployed loved one is anything similar me they will probably answer with a smile and say, "Nothing, we are fine."

Instead of request what you tin do to assist, look for a demand and get-go helping.  Most people won't ask for help, but they might accept it if it's given to them.

What Yous SHOULD Say (or do) When Someone You Know Loses Their Task

Now, let's discuss a few things you SHOULD say (or do) to a friend who has simply lost their job.  These are also all phrases that were said to u.s. during our months of unemployment.  Information technology's funny how the smallest gesture or phrase tin change the entire mean solar day.  It might non feel like much, just kind words can make a huge difference in someone's life.

i.  "I have a few friends in a similar career as you.  I'll ask around about job openings and get back to you lot."

Helping your friend in a job search is ane of the best ways to show your support to them.  If you know of someone who might have job leads, attain out to them and meet if y'all can help your unemployed friend get a foot in the door.  Networking is so of import when unemployed!

Nosotros had an acquaintance in our neighborhood, not even a friend at all, achieve out to us when my married man was unemployed.  (He worked a job similar to my husbands.)  This associate went out of his manner to search for chore openings for my husband.  He pulled strings, he asked for favors and he constitute a few leads for us.

We didn't ask this human to do any of this for united states.  He just did it to be kind.  I'll never forget that generosity and hope to pay it forward many times over.

  • Related:  Unemployed: What I learned the hard way.

2.  "I believe in y'all.  You got this!"

If yous take a friend going through a chore loss, they probably need a adept pep talk!  Encourage your friend, give them praise, compliment them and let them know y'all see goodness in their hereafter.

3.  "I know how hard you lot worked at that job."

Your loved 1 is probably second guessing their abilities in the workplace right at present.  Exist supportive and encouraging.  Remind them that they are an important, valuable and difficult worker.

Fifty-fifty better would to point out specific example of how groovy they are, things you lot've noticed them doing over the years that makes them special, unique and needed.

4.  "Do you want to talk most it?"

Your friend may or may not want to talk near their unemployment situation.  It's important to give them that space to vent, but not pressure them into information technology.

If they do want to talk, always listen without judging.  Give kind and supportive feedback and never ever criticize them or their decisions.

five.  Serve them.

Look for ways y'all can serve your unemployed friend.  We had so many envelopes of cash secretly dropped off at our doorstep, it moved me to tears every single time.

You don't always need to give a cash hand out.  Yous could also drop off a souvenir card to a restaurant or movie theater, mow their lawn, offer to watch their kids, or invite them out to tiffin with you.  About people will not have a hand out, merely secret service is e'er much appreciated.

half-dozen.  Give them a hug.

We all need a hug every now and then.  When someone yous know loses their job, requite them a large long hug.  They need your love so much.

In Determination

Every person will handle unemployment differently.  What you should say to someone who loses their job volition vary from person to person.  You are friends with this person for a reason, follow their cues and treat them how you would desire to exist treated.

And when they notice a new job, gloat them!  Give them a hug (yes, another one!) and tell them you knew they could do it!  Chore searching is a long, tiring process and your loved one deserves some recognition!

Pin To Relieve For Subsequently:

how to help friend with job loss

what to say to someone who lost their job

I hope these tips helped you know what to say to someone who loses their task.


Source: https://sweetfrugallife.com/what-to-say-when-someone-loses-job/

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